Forget everything you know about selling customers your products

Listen, I don't blog very often but I thought this was important enough to Pass on.  One thing I have learned from life is that people hate being sold anything. They don't want you to sell anything to them. Everything you're taught about pressuring customers into a sale, forget it. Especially now. That might have worked in the 1950s when people went door to door and pressured people into buying Tupperware or vacuums, but those times have passed.

What I've found works best doing the opposite. Let your customers feel in control. Tell them everything about your product without pressure to buy. No one wants to be bullied into buying something and it can make them feel regretful later. You don't want to have to refund for buyer's remorse! So, give them time to think about it. Sometimes they won't buy your products right away, and that's okay. But if you give great customer service, talking them through it and letting them come to the decision on their own, they're far more likely to enjoy & be happy about the purchase than if they're pressured into it. And isn't that really the goal? To have happy customers who will come back and recommend you to others?
Another part of this is your language. Many of us think we have to speak very corporate and professional in order to give the appearance of a business. But when you're a handmade seller, this is not the case. People like talking to other people. People don't like talking to machines, or people who try to sound like machines with their ultra corporate language. At least, this has been my personal experience in dealing with possible customers. They want you to be their friend throughout the process. The more you speak to them like you would speak to a friend, the more they will see you as such. Please note that not every customer will feel this way or will be easy to work with. But the majority will appreciate your personable character and those customers are far more likely to leave a good review! Bonus if they mention you by name.

So here are my tips for this:
1. Just be cool and talk to them like normal people.  People respond better to real people who use fluff and personable language (yes, emojis) and respond not well to people who talk like machines.
2. Don't pressure them. Just let them decide what they want to do and drop it. If they want your product, they will buy it. If not, keep it moving! They might come back to you later after having thought about it more.
3. Keep the conversation upbeat and positive. Don't frighten them with policies and rules, unless they are being demanding or less than appealing customers.

For those customers, I still recommend talking to them like normal people, with fluff and personable language, but if they get to be too much, dont be afraid to suggest you can't help them because they want something outside of your ability (to make them happy).

Let me know how this works for you!
- Lynnette


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